just like animals2015.02.06. 13:34, parkbomiho
I wanna be in a relationship where we can act like best friends and little kids. I wanna be able to wake up in the morning and eat lucky charms while we watch spongebob. I wanna be able to go outside and throw a snowball at you while I call you shithead. I wanna be able to eat mac n’ cheese and drink apple juice while we cuddle on the couch. I wanna be able to say I hate you while laughing and you know that really means I love you. I wanna be in a relationship where we can tease each other, but at the end of the day you know I will always be there to hold you, wipe your tears, kiss you, love you and most importantly make you laugh like a little kid.
I wanna be in a relationship where we can act like best friends and little kids. I wanna be able to wake up in the morning and eat lucky charms while we watch spongebob. I wanna be able to go outside and throw a snowball at you while I call you shithead. I wanna be able to eat mac n’ cheese and drink apple juice while we cuddle on the couch. I wanna be able to say I hate you while laughing and you know that really means I love you. I wanna be in a relationship where we can tease each other, but at the end of the day you know I will always be there to hold you, wipe your tears, kiss you, love you and most importantly make you laugh like a little kid.
Kszntnk titeket ezen a rajongi oldalon, ami a Gyilkos elmk (angolul: Criminal Minds) nev sikersorozattal foglalkozik! Az oldalt jelenleg kt, mindenre elsznt szerkeszt szptgeti, csinostgatja, Ashley s Kheyra. Mindent megtesznk, hogy a lap a lehet legtbbet nyjtsa szmotokra s minl lvezhetbb legyen, minl tbb informcit tartalmazzon kedvenceinkrl/kedvenceitekrl. Ha megtetszett az oldal, akkor ltogass meg minket tbbszr is, legyl te is tagja egy olyan kzssgnek, ami nem ismer hatrokat! Lgy te is CM rajong! Sok-sok puszi s j szrakozst kvnunk: Ashley & Kheyra.